Itron Credit Agreement

Moody`s Investors Service, Inc., a 100% subsidiary of Moody`s Corporation (MCO), announces that most issuers of bonds (including corporate and common bonds, bonds, bonds and commercial paper) and preferred shares valued by Moody`s Investors Service, Inc. have agreed to pay to Moody`s Investors Service prior to the assignment of a credit rating. Inc. for rating opinions and services it provides fees between 1,000 and $US 2,700,000. MCO and Moody`s Investors Service also have policies and procedures to ensure independence from the moody`s Investors credit rating and rating processes. Information relating to certain relationships that may exist between the directors of MCO and the rated entities, as well as between entities that hold Moody`s Investors Service ratings and that have also publicly notified the SEC of a stake of more than 5% in MCO, is published annually under under the title « Corporate Relations – Corporate Governance – Director and Shareholder Affiliationer Policy ». The company`s corporate governance profile is supported by a relatively balanced approach to capital allocation, with excess cash being used for debt reduction, including a decrease in temporarily increased revolver credits fired to preserve liquidity amid market uncertainty due to the coronavirus pandemic. The company`s credit profile does not provide for a shift to a more aggressive fiscal policy, such as debt-financed shareholder compensation. All information contained in this document is obtained from MOODY`S from sources believed by MOODY`S to be accurate and reliable.

However, due to the possibility of human or mechanical errors as well as other factors, all information contained in this provision is provided « HOW TO CONSULT » without any guarantee. MOODY`S takes all necessary measures to ensure that the information it uses to assign a credit rating is of sufficient quality and comes from sources that MOODY`S deems reliable, including, where applicable, independent third-party sources. Moody`s is not, however, a chartered accountant and cannot always independently verify or validate the information obtained during the rating process or during the preparation of its publications. MJKK or MSFJ (if any) disclose: that most bond issuers (including corporate and joint venture bonds, bonds, bonds and commercial paper) and preferred shares valued by MJKK or MSFJ (depending on their applicability) have agreed, prior to assigning a credit rating, to pay fees to MJKK or MSFJ (depending on their applicability) for the credit ratings and services it has provided In. 000 to about JPY250,000,000. To the extent permitted by law, MOODY`S and its directors, officers, employees, representatives, representatives, representatives, licensors and suppliers disclaim all liability to any person or entity for any indirect, special, consequential or incidental loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the information contained therein, the use of or inability to use such information. even if MOODY`S or any of its directors, senior officers, employees, representatives, representatives, licensors or suppliers are informed in advance of the possibility of such loss or damage, including, but not limited to: a) loss of actual or potential profits or b) loss or damage suffered if the relevant financial instrument is not subject to a specific rating assigned by MOODY`S. .

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